Upcoming event – AINET International Teacher Research Conference, Nagpur, India, 14–15 September

Amol Padwad writes: 

The AINET International Teacher Research Conference, the first of its kind in India, is being held on 14-15 September 2017 in Nagpur. The event aims to bring together teachers with some experience of and/or interest in teacher research (TR), mentors and leaders who have been supporting TR work in India and overseas, and representatives of various agencies involved in teacher education and training. While many teachers share their TR studies in the conference, several speakers will dwell on issues, challenges and opportunities in TR. There will be some hands-on workshops on different aspects/ skills of TR, which beginner teacher researchers may find particularly useful. In a unique session some mentors will share insights and ideas from their TR mentoring experience. We hope that this event triggers a strong and widespread TR interest and begins the building of a TR community in the country and the region.

For more details, visit http://theainet.net/ainet-international-teacher-research-conference-14-15-sept-2017-nagpur/ or write to theainet@gmail.com.


Amol Padwad is Secretary of AINET, the All-India Network of English Teachers.  


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